Fire Engineering Systems Association Ltd. Introductory Constitution of the Association.
Issue 1. Amendment 0. Dated this 2nd Day of June 2005
1.1 The name of the Organisation shall be Fire Engineer Systems Association Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as F.E.S.A.)
1.2 The association will be a Company limited by guarantee without share issue
1.3 This name can be used in the abbreviated form – F.E.S.A. The abbreviated form of Fire Engineer Systems Association is used in the remainder of this Constitution.
1.4 The registered address of F.E.S.A shall be in the Republic Of Ireland.
The registered address may be altered by the committee to suit the needs of the association.
The current registered address is: 8 Willbrook Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14.
2.1 General
2.1.1 The Fire Engineering Systems Association is a grouping of Companies in the fire alarm Industry, represented by the Executive Committee as appointed from time to time.
2.1.2 For the purposes of membership, any Commercial Organisation engaged in the fire/ fire alarm industry is eligible for consideration as a member provided such applicant can satisfy the Executive Committee that they intend to/ and are capable of upholding the aims and objectives of the association as set out in Article 3 of the constitution and as amended from time to time
2.2 Categories of Members
There are two categories of F.E.S.A membership – Member, Associate Member
2.3 Member
2.3.1 A Member is as stated in paragraph 2.1.2 above
2.3.2 Membership applies to any organisation that specialises in the design, supply, commissioning and maintenance of fire detection and alarm and/or fire suppression systems
2.3.3 For the purposes of membership, in the event of a dispute, the entry conditions may be defined by the Executive Committee of the time
2.3.4 Only fully paid up Members are eligible to vote
2.3.5 Each member can be represented by one nominated Deputy who may change from time to time
2.3.6 Voting is on the basis of one vote per organisation or individual membership
2.4 Associate Member
There are two categories of Associate Member: Associate Member – Organisations
Category 1 Associate Members are Organisations which do not comply with the Membership requirements of paragraph 2.3 of this Constitution but which nonetheless wish to associate with and support F.E.S.A. Category 2 Associate Members are individuals who wish to associate with and support F.E.S.A
2.4.2 The right of participation in a particular debate on any matters relating to F.E.S.A., in particular, a debate relating to a proposed amendment of the Constitution of F.E.S.A., may be withdrawn from Associate Members at the discretion of the Executive
2.4.3 This restriction of right, when exercised, will relate to all Associate Members and shall only be applicable for the debate in question
2.4.4 Representatives from any organisation or any individual Associate Members may carry out specific jobs allocated to them by the Executive and may be appointed to any Committee or position set up by the Executive. Whilst participating in such Committee activity, Associate Members have the same voting and participation rights as Members
2.5 Application Forms
All Applicants for any category of Membership, must submit the relevant Application Form and satisfy the minimum criteria set out which will be considered by the F.E.S.A. executive who will decide on whether or not such application shall be accepted
2.6 Removal from Membership
By majority vote and following due process the Executive may remove from any Section of Membership any Organisation or person whom they consider are not suitable to be Members of F.E.S.A. A recommendation for such removal, duly proposed and seconded by Members of the Executive, must be submitted to all Members of the Executive at least 10 days before the meeting of the Executive at which the matter will be discussed
The association has as its principal aims:
3.1 The application of and compliance with relevant National, European, and International Standards
3.2 The employment by members of competent and skilled personnel
3.3 The application by members of the highest standards of workmanship
3.4 Continuous education and skills development of all members and their employees
3.5 Co-operation with relevant Legislative, Local Government, Engineering and similar professional bodies
3.6 To assist and require all members to successfully obtain third party accreditation to national/international standards as and when national/E.U accreditation has been established
4.1 The Officers of F.E.S.A. shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary,
Treasurer and one ordinary committee member ( collectively known as the Executive Committee)
4.2 The Executive Committee shall be elected every two years by majority vote of the Members with voting rights at the Annual General Meeting
4.3.1 Members of the Executive Committee may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms i.e. four consecutive years, on the Executive Committee
4.3.2 Persons who have been members of the Executive Committee for two consecutive terms may be elected again as a member of the Executive Committee after the expiry of at least one term of the Executive Committee i.e. after a period of 2 years
4.3.3 If there are insufficient candidates putting themselves forward for election, the Members of F.E.S.A. may decide by majority vote of those voting that a Member of the outgoing Executive Committee may serve for one additional period of 12 months, notwithstanding that the person may have already served on the Executive Committee for a period of four consecutive years
4.4 The Members shall elect the Executive Committee and at the first meeting of the Executive Committee after the Annual General Meeting, the Executive Committee shall decide who shall hold each of the Offices
4.5 In the event of a tied vote during a meeting of the Executive Committee or of a Meeting of the Members, the Chairman of the Meeting has a casting vote
4.6 The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act on behalf of F.E.S.A. between meetings of the Members and to carry out whatever activities and actions it decides are necessary and relevant within the Aims of F.E.S.A., including establishing other Committees and non Executive Offices as considered necessary
4.7 The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill by appointment, any post on the Executive Committee that becomes vacant for whatever reason, prior to expiry of its term of Office
4.8 The Executive Committee shall submit a report covering its activities to each Annual General Meeting of F.E.S.A
5.1 The fees to be paid by Members and Associate Members each year will be set by a majority vote of members
5.2 The Treasurer will present an annual statement of account at the Annual General Meeting
5.3 Two persons must authorise payments. One of these persons will be the Treasurer and the other will be another Member of the Executive Committee
6.1 The Executive Committee shall meet as and when considered necessary by the Officers
6.2.1 There shall be an Annual General Meeting of all members which shall take place at a time, date and venue set by the Executive Committee. Meetings shall be held at least ten (10) months and at most fourteen (14) after the previous Annual General Meeting
6.2.2 Notice of such meetings shall be despatched to members at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting stating the business to be transacted at the meeting. Extra business needs to be in writing and forwarded to the meeting
6.3 Other meetings of the Members and other Committees of F.E.S.A shall take place as and when considered necessary
7.1 This Constitution may be amended at any General Meeting of F.E.S.A by a vote of a minimum of 51% majority of the members voting
7.2 Notice of the proposed amendments shall be despatched in writing to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting where such amendments will be considered