Application for full membership and associate membership and guidance notes available below
For any further information please contact
Application for Membership V1 15 Membership criteria and Application Guide V1 15 1
Full membership:
Is open to Companies (or Individuals) who are actively engaged in the Fire Detection, Alarm and Gaseous Fire Extinguishing Industries where their business includes the Supply, Test, Commissioning and Maintenance of such systems. Additionally, these companies may or may not undertake installation work. Applicants are required to satisfy the following criteria: They must be proposed by an existing (full) member of the association. The named proposer will be contacted to confirm the nomination.
They must make a declaration of their intent to adhere to and uphold the aims and objectives of the association.
They must be able to furnish evidence of their ongoing active involvement in the Fire Systems Industry either by reference to successfully completed installations or assessment of same by reputable referees who have themselves been directly involved in the work referenced (e.g. consultant, architect, etc.). Referees will be contacted to confirm the references.
At the discretion of the executive committee, they must present themselves for an interview before a minimum of three members of the committee or appointed association members.
Associate Membership:
Is open to those who wish to support the activities of the Association and particularly to those companies who manufacture and/or distribute Fire detection, alarm, and extinguishing system components to the Fire Industry for incorporation into completed systems.
Applicants should provide information relative to their product range and satisfy the executive committee of their desire to support the association, its members, its aims and its objectives. A proposer is not required for Associate Membership status.